
1000 Projects In Java With Source Code Free Download

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Free Projects In Java With Source Code Woodworking Plans Overall, there’s no doubt that Free Projects In Java With Source Code Woodworking is a detailed and comprehensive woodworking guide that comes with amazing resources you can think of. It will be of great help to you as a woodworker.

Def tech def tech rarlab. Mega List of practical projects that any one can solve in any programming language!

1000 projects in java with source code and documentation free download

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1000 Projects In Java With Source Code Free Download

  • Blocked Port By-Pass Application: Apart from HTTP/HTTPS, all other ports are blocked. Our College LAN does not allow port 22 (SSH Port). Therefore, develop a tool that bypasses blocked port 22.

  • New Network Protocol: UDP and TCP protocols have few problems/short-comings. Identify them and design your own Network Protocol.

  • TOR: TOR is a very famous applications used in college/university by students for tunneling websites. Most of the college internet providers have even blocked TOR. So, build similar application for tunneling and defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.

  • Chat Application using AJAX

  • Lan Audio(Voice) Chat: Can be easily implemented in Java with Java-net and Java Sample Audio API.

  • Group Chat in Java: Again it's easy to implement. A basic knowledge of Concurrent Server will do.

  • Media Player in Java: Easy to implement. Thanks to Java Sample Sound/Audio API.

  • MP3 Extractor from you-Tube

  • Text Editor: Designing UI for text editor with Java Swing is a cake walk. Use an advanced data structure like suffix tree, Patricia Tree, etc for searching.

  • Zip Password Crackers: Any File Can be unzipped through the command line, providing password as an argument. So, write a simple brute force program to generate permutations (possible passwords) and send it to command line, creating and running shell script. Run until you receive a success return call, that's it, the simple Zip Password Cracker Project is ready.

  • Create a Trojan Horse in C: Again that's pretty easy. Run a simple C++ program on remote computer. Intelligently create a huge .dll file in SYS 32 directory and as an impact, eat the hard-disk space of victim's computer. Any Clean up software ignore .dll file, so the only solution is: Victims have to reformat the hard drive.

  • Simple C++ Key Logger Project : A project that records the key strokes of PC and store it in intelligent way. Again, that can be easily done with Microsoft visual C++ SetWindowsHookEx API. The premiere challenge is you have to be smart enough to outplay Anti-Virus in detecting your key-logger.

  • 3D Bounce in OpenGL: Small game project, can be easily done with OpenGL-API for rendering 2D and 3D computer graphics.

  • Regular Expression Parser: C application that parses regular Expression.

  • Remote Editing with CGI: Editing a document on another machine via the Web. The useful tools:The cgi module, along with the cgitb module for debugging are available with Python .

  • Arcade games in Python: Python provides Pygame, an extension that enables you to write full-fledged, full-screen arcade games in Python.

  • Voice based Web Browser: Develop a web browser that takes input as speech and renders output as Speech. Lot of frame work and tools are available. Good project for PHP, AJAX and J2EE Expert.

  • Online Test Management: Similar to interviewstreet.com Can be easily done in PHP or any server side scripting Language.

  • CMS: Develop a CMS similar to Joomla, Drupal,etc. Students of National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli developed a CMS named Pragyan. They use this project for maintaining college web-site as well as Tech-Fest Website.

  • Discussion Forum: Develop something like http://www.quora.com/, Stack Overflow , DISQUS

  • Intranet File Search Engine:

  • A Social Code Sharing Site: Build a user-driven application with much more interactivity and some social-style features—specifically, a community-based repository of useful, reusable code.Something like Django snippets. This project can be easily done in Django (web framework).

  • Highly Confidential Security System:Develop an application for storing file, images , audio , video ,etc. in a secure way. Use an advance and almost non- crack-able cipher(Blowfish, AES, etc.) to encrypt data(text data & media-file) before caching them in a password protected locker.

  • Defect Tracking Tool : Develop and application to track defects in different product and implement various defects and their analysis.

  • Search tool based ons Dice - Turn-based dice game where players score points by rolling a die and then: if they roll a 1, score no points and lose their turn, if they roll a 2 to 6: add the rolled value to their points choose to either reroll or keep their score and end their turn. The winner is the first player that reaches (or exceeds) 100 points.

    Research Projects

    • An Efficient Fixed Noise Removal Method from Images using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform.

    • Software Architecture paradigm for multi core hardware

    • Secure Network Administration System

    • Image Cryptography

    • Image Authentication Using Stochastic Diffusion

    • Handling Multiple Failures in IP Networks Through Localised On-Demand Link State Routing

    • Dynamic Signature Verification using Statistics Analysis.

    • A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks.

    • Efficient Algorithms for Mining High Utility Item sets from Transactional Database

    • An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing

    • Face Recognition Using Eigen Values

    • Synchronized Data Transmission Using TCP Sockets.

    • Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud.

    • MADES: Embedded Systems Engineering Approach in the Avionics Domain.

    • Operating System Challenges for GPU Resource Management

    • Introducing Replace-ability into web services composition

    • A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN user Walls

    • Distributed Cooperative Caching in Social Wireless Networks

    • Location Based Spatial Queries Processing

    • An efficient information retrieved approach for collaborating cloud computing

    • An Adaptive Framework for Autonomic Person Identification System using Pervasive Computing

    • Data mining for Big Data

    • Mobile Computing Device as Tools for College Student Education a case on Flash Cards Application

    • Quantum Cryptography: An Emerging Technology in Network Security

    • Efficient Security Solution for Privacy-Preserving Cloud Services.

    • A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls.

    • Unprivileged Black Box Detection of User-Space Key Loggers

    • A Genetic Programming Approach to Record Reduplication.

    • Alma Mater-An Application on Information Sharing

    • A Collaboration Masterming Schemer Software

    • A Cross Layer Backpressure Architecture for Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Efficient Privacy Preserving Authentication in Wireless Mobile Networks

    • Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized disruption-Tolerant Military Networks.

    • Fast Nearest Neighbour Search with Keywords.

    • Expressive, Efficient, and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage

    • Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions

    • Consistency as a Service: Auditing Cloud Consistency

    • An advanced method for Generating Association rules using Real values.

    • A classical decision tree building algorithm to handle data tuples with uncertain values.

    • Mining Association rules using IMine Index

    • An Efficient Representative Object Based Clustering Technique Using Density Based Algorithm

    • Auto Detection Of Association Rule between Name And pseudonym from the Web using Anchor

    • New Interactive Approach To Prune And Filter Discovered Rules Using Ontologies

    • Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning For the Public Cloud.

    • Incremental Information Extraction Using Relational Databases.

    • A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls.

    • E-compiler

    • Compiler phases visualization

    • Visualization of Data Structures in Java

    • Detection of Routing Misbehavior in MANETS Project Source Code

    • Signature Based Indexing Project

    • Secure Data Transmission Project

    • RSS Reader Project in Java

    • Information retrieval and knowledge management system

    • Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Project

    • Regular expression engine

    • Timetabling lectures

    • Detecting Targeted Malicious Email

    • Fault Prediction in Clusters

    • Building two node Failover Cluster

    • Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases using Apriori Algorithm

    • Bayes Theorem for Disease diagnostics

    • Message Authentication in Computionally Constrained Environments

    • Tender Management System

    • Smart Traffic Management System

    • A Community Based Approach to Customizing Web Search

    • Cooperative Work for Agent-Based Heterogeneous Information Integrated Information System

    • Detecting and Preventing IP-spoofed Distributed DoS Attacks

    • Implementation of Sliding Window Protocols in Networks

    • Implementation of Congestion Control Protocols in Networks

    • Implementation of Routing Protocols in Networks

    • Automated Real-Time Detection of Potentially Suspicious Behavior in Public Transport Areas

    • Automated Student Performace Analysis

    • Automatic Accident Detection And Ambulance Rescue With Intelligent Traffic Light System

    • Bandwidth Recycling in 802.16 Networks

    • A Combine Approach to ensure data security in cloud computing

    • A model to authenticate request for online banking transactions

    • Athuentication for session password using color and image

    • Self Protection in a Clustered Distributed System

    • Efficient and Effective Duplicate Detection in Hierarchical Data

    • Efficient Similarity Search over Encrypted Data

    • Payment Extraction Tool - (SAP/ABAP)

    • Share Travel – Web Application - .NET/JAVA/PHP

    • Crypt Analysis Between Different Languages – (PHYTHAIN)

    • Multiplayer 3D Strategic Game

    • Quadcopter

    • My Music Tutor

    • Internet Transaction Security with Fingerprint Recognition

    • Image Analyzer - iLocator

    • Tourism Based Social Networking Service

    • Image Analyzer

    • Knowledge Discovery Over Telugu Songs

    • aGate Portal for Inventory Management

    • Time-travel in the Internet

    • Creating Your Wwn iPhone/Android Phone/Facebook Multimieda Applications

    • Finding Shortest Path in UST

    • In-network Data Processing for Wireless Sensor Networks

    • Lego-robot Guided by Wifi Devices

    • Interactive 3D Maps

    • Flood Prediction

    • Interesting Education Applications for the Tablet PC platform

    • Artificial Intelligence and Location Based Services

    • Time Series-based Approach for Predicating Stock Data

    • P2PMoD Peer-to-Peer Movie-on-Demand

    • Fastfood e-Order System

    • Green Bus

    • Machine Learning for Computer Security Application

    • Application of Image Processing Techniques to Tissue Texture Analysis and Image Compression

    • Mobile Marketing Management System

    • A Collaborative Pervasive Surveillance System Based On Low Bit-Rate Video

    • Fault-Tolerance Analysis of Sorting Networks

    • Intelligent Interface for Database Systems

    • Optimal Selection as an Optimization Problem over Rule-Based Constrains

    • Mobile Banking Project in Java

    • Internet Management System in Java

    • Simple CRM in Java

    • Online Magazine in Java

    • Patient Management System

    • Distributed Sales Management with Java

    • Development of a neural network applet set using ENCOG

    • An email filter to cut out spam

    • Interactive Evolution of Behaviour using ANN & AI

    • Determining the Language of a Text Using a Neural Network

    • Investigating the Performance of a Perceptron and an MLP

    • Recognition of Handwritten Characters

    • A system to visualise music

    • Construction of deterministic finite-state automata

    • Computer-aided learning (CAL) software application for Higher Education

    • Realistic software testing without real-world data

    • Identifying similar pieces of music ( Music Piracy)

    • Parallel processing implementation of the Mandelbrot set

    • Development of a Natural Language Interface to a Database

    • Timetabling Lectures, Lecturers and Rooms

    • Application of the Google API to detect plagiarism

    • Avmon: Optimal And Scalable Discovery Of Consistent Availability Monitoring Overlays For Distributed Systems

    • Dynamic Search Algorithm In Unstructured Peer-To-PeerNetworks

    • Maintaining Colored Trees For Disjoint Multipath Routing Under Node Failures

    • Reliable Routings In Networks With Generalized Link Failure Events

    • A Tree-Based Peer-To-Peer Network With Quality Guarantees

    • Measuring Capacity Bandwidth Of Targeted Path Segments

    • Distributed Cache Architecture With Snooping For Qos Routing In LargeNetworks.

    • Performance Of A Speculative Transmission Scheme For Scheduling- LatencyReduction

    • Evaluation Of Efficiency In The Combating Network Packet Losses Using Fec(Forward Error Correction) Coding

    • Rppm(Rectified Probabilistic Packet Marking ) Algorithm For The Packets

    • Efficient&Secure Content Processing Using Intermediaries

    • Distributed Cache Architecture For Routing In Hierarchical Qos- CapableNetworks.

    • Preventing Network Data Congestion Collapse Using Network Border Patrol

    • A Simplified Anonymous Dynamic Source Routing Protocol.

    • Three Party Quantum Key Distribution Protocol With Implicit Authentication

    • Implementation Of Rsa To Secure The Data Over A Group

    • Spatial Query Processing Over Lan

    • An Acknowledgement Approach For The Detection Of Routing Misbehavior

    • Dynamic Load Balancing Mechanism For A Parallel System

    • Rate And Delay Guarantees Provided By Clos Packet Switches With Load Balancing.

    • Screen Shot Grabber

    • Motion Detection and Instant Alerter

    • ava Based Fire Alarm System

    • Enhanced Search Engine

    • Dynamic Signature Verification Using Pattern Recognition

    • Distributed Load Sharing In Mobile Environment

    • Disease Identification using WBC Count

    • Database Synchronization

    • Data Mining For Credit Card Application Processing

    • Data Leakage Detection

    • Channel Diversity in Wireless Mesh Network

    • Blog Mining and Emotion Argumentation

    • Automatic Alert Alarming For Security Systems

    • Automated Parking System using RFID Technology

    • Aadhaar Plus

    • Mobile Recharging With Banking Transaction Using SMS

    • Gesture Recognition System using Privacy

    • Email Flyer

    • Content Base Mail Classification

    • Biometric Authentication System Using the Human Ear

    • Battery Optimizer for Android Mobile Devices

    • Android Application for Call Taxi

    • Advanced 3D Maps for Personal Digital Assistant

    • Accessing a Network Using Secure Mobile Communications

    • Access My PC

    • 3D Graphics Library for Mobile Applications

    • Face Detection Using Template Matching

    • Load Shedding In Mobile Systems Using Mobiqual

    • Smart Card Reader Using Mifare Technology

    • Bluetooth Home Automation

    • Creepy Crawler System

    • ATM Reporting system

    • E-Mail Campaign System

    • Mingle Box

    • Trade Service Engine

    • SMTP Mail Server

    • Virtual Shopping

    • Value card – Smart card based Loyalty

    • Universal Web Based File Coordinator

    • UA Portal

    • Trackerz

    • Survey Logics

    • Pro-net Communication

    • Implementation of Security in WAN

    • Implementation of OSPF on IPV6

    • Support Vector Machines For Face Recognition

    • Web based Applications for Insurance Services

    • Cold Boot Attack

    • Virtual Class Rooms

    • Electronic Mail Server

    • SUDOKU

    • Bluetooth Hotspot

    • Result Alert System With E-mail and SMS

    • Bug Tracking System

    • Partial Face Recognition Using Core features Of The Face

    • Face Recognition in e-attendance

    • Online Examination System

    • Chat Server

    • Bandwidth-Allocation-for-Distributed-Algorithm

    • Early Congestion Indication

    • Intruder Detection System Over Abnormal Internet Sequence

    • Log Reader Based Code Analyzer

    • Multi-Tasking Sockets

    • Network Monitoring for Remote Task Executor

    • Audio Manager