
Distant Worlds Universe Serial Number

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Distant Worlds 30 40. Serialkey preview: 2458-6683. Added: Downloaded: 0 times Rating: 43% Submitted by: anonymous Full download: DistantWorlds.rar. Please input captcha to take your serial number. View in text. Similar activation keys. Brand Worlds Tools v1.1-CROSSFiRE.

Distant Worlds is a vast, real-time, 4X space strategy game. Explore the galaxy and expand your mighty empire across the stars. Experience the full depth and detail of large turn-based strategy games, but with the simplicity and ease of real-time, and on the scale of a massively-multiplayer online game. May 27, 2014  All Forums New Releases from Matrix Games Distant Worlds Series Tech Support Distant Worlds: Universe not starting: Page: 1 2 3 next Login. Fire up Distant Worlds and press Load Game, then press the directory listing in the pop up window to see where it's really at. Were you asked for your Serial number during.


The Slukis Conformity has, unfortunately, died an FPS Death.

Stay tuned to this Subreddit for more tales of the Slukis Remnant, as they escape through a crack in the space/time reality to a smaller, less computer-intensive star cluster. If/when I get a better computer, I may revisit the Conformity. In the meantime, they are sending out colony ships before the subspace distortions form a quantum singularity, and tear the entire star cluster apart.

The Conformity is not over......just shattered.

Coming up next: The Slukis Remnant After Action Report.


Order of Battle:

Note: All ships have a 50% Damage Reduction/5 Second Repair time, 13 second Warp unless otherwise noted Note 2: The Order of Battle and Dramatis Personae are kept updated in the OP. Previous OOB/DPs can be found in a post below. Updates to the actual action will not be kept in the OP, and will be made in additional posts.

Escort: Swarm Mk. 9

The Mark 9 Swarm is based off of a 60-year design philosophy. Get in fast, hit hard, and bring a couple dozen of your friends. Don't be afraid of pushing other people around. It is a philosophy that has proven itself out time and again.

96 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x2

  • Impact Assault Blaster x1

2,200 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 10

162 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 88

Range: 49.54 Sectors

Frigate: Corsair Mk. 6

The Corsair is designed to supplement the Swarm, and keep ships in real-space so they can be pounded into space dust.

252 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x6

  • Impact Assault Blaster 1

  • Tractor Beam x2

  • HyperDeny GW4000

2,640 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 12

162 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 59

Range: 47.72 Sectors

Destroyer: Big Momma Mk. 6

Come at me, bro! Big Mommas are designed to take a punch. Or fifty.

132 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x2

  • Impact Assault Blaster x3

  • Tractor Beam x2

  • HyperDeny GW4000

4,400 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 20

720 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 49

Range: 47 Sectors

Cruiser: Phantasm

The Phantasm was designed from the keel up as a Stealth-based fast-attack platform. It is neither as well armed, well-defended, nor is it able to stay in the field as long as the rest of our Order of Battle, but its cloaking device goes a long ways towards correcting those deficiencies.

The Phantasm was designed to operate in wolf-packs of at least 12-20, to go deep behind enemy lines and wreck enemy logistics, such as Caslon Gas Giants, Freighters, etc.

Size 500 Cloaking Device

117 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x3

  • Tractor Beam x2

  • HyperDeny GW4000

1,320 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 6

162 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 61

7 Second Warp

Range: 24.87 Sectors

Capital ShipMike Henke

Like the Cruiser class, the Capital Ship went through a redesign. The Henke class is based off of the Mark 5 Big Momma as a Fleet Support Battleship. Her Armor Rating was reduced in order to squeeze in an interdiction generator.

132 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x2

  • Impact Assault Blaster x3

  • Tractor Beam x2

  • HyperDeny GW4000

  • Fleet Targeting/Countermeasure Arrays

  • 800 Troops [5 Massive Troop Compartments

3,080 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 14

522 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 52

Range: 45.84 Sectors

Carrier: Honor Harrington Mk. 3

To clarify, before we begin, in the previous Order of Battle, it was also noted as the Harrington Mark 3. However, none of the Mark 2 Harringtons had been retrofitted, so the updated Mark 3 remains the most current Carrier design we have.

378 Fighter Firepower

  • Advanced Hangar Bay x9

174 Firepower

  • Shockwave Torpedo x4

  • Impact Assault Blaster x1

2,200 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 10

126 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 30

Range: 47.56 Sectors


The Resupply design was intended for forward-reaching areas that had been cleared of gas mining stations by enemy forces. They were designed to last long enough for reinforcements to reach them, in case of attack--or simply clear the enemy away themselves, and have enough defensive Boarding Strength to defend itself. Unlike its offensive-minded cousins, the Resupply Ship's Tractor Beams are designed to push enemies away, not pull them in.

  • Energy Collectors

  • Cargo Capacity x20,000

  • Gas Extractors x4

  • Docking Bay x20

249 Firepower

  • Tractor Beam x3

  • Shockwave Torpedo x5

  • Assault Pod x10

  • 1,274 Defensive Boarding Strength

8,800 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 40

450 Armor Rating

104 Mining Rate

Cruise Velocity: 35

Range: 10.71 (between Caslon Giants)

Troop TransportsGet You There

The Get You There-class Troop Transports are simply that--Cargo Containers with shields and engines strapped to them intended to be brought into the theater only when combatants are cleared away, but with enough staying power to survive if hot-dropped.

  • 2,560 Troops [16 Massive Troop Compartments]

6,600 Shield Rating

Shield Recharge Rate: 30

630 Armor Rating

Cruise Velocity: 15

Range: 29.4 Sectors

Dramatis Personae:

Distant Worlds Universe Review

Slukis Conformity:

The Good guys, us. We kick ass and take names, and we're all out of names.

  • Third Fleet: 40-ship Sluken main attack force, populated by a strike team of Swarms, Corsairs, and Big Mommas. They are commanded by our oldest Fleet Admiral, Suutan Summorak, master of maneuverability, targeting, and countermeasures (+80%, +44%, and +39% respectively). Third Fleet still boasts the oldest Sluken military ships, the original Swarm Escorts. They have survived, thrived, and devoured their enemies for the last five decades, recieving multiple refits. Their serial numbers are engraved in the hearts of Sluken everywhere. Third Fleet also has around 5 of our current 7 Ship Captains.

  • Fourth Fleet: Originally commissioned as a fire brigade to deal with the Pirate Menace, the 30-ship Fourth Fleet has become a premier raiding fleet, commanded by the venerable Fleet Admiral Wunta Hanari.

  • Sixth Fleet: A Capital, Cruiser, and Carrier Fleet, the 47-ship Sixth Fleet has brought honor to itself and the Sluken everywhere by putting down the 50-year pirate melees of Kujekos and Slukis over the independent population therein, and smashing the Jasulon Horde. Currently under the command of the untested Fleet Admiral Rek Ixito.

  • Fifth Fleet: A collection of 'Get You There' Troop Transports, usually kept loaded with Infantry and Armor brigades.

Securan Paradise

Bunch of blue-skinned hippies that annoy us. Their territory is Galactic South of us, and are our oldest non-Pirate enemy. We currently only have a 40 million population lead on them, But somehow we have twice their GDP. They are approximately 4k ahead of us in military power (pre-most recent Redesign Refit), however their power is dispersed. Ours is concentrated. Let's tear down their Paradise around their pointy, blue ears!

Zunama Sicut Conformity

Ugh, Securan Lapdogs. They have 1/6 our population and their GDP is so fractional compared to ours it doesn't really register on the graph. They have been a thorn in our side and they are our number 2 target. Their territory lies in the Southeast, and are staunch allies of the Securans. Their military power is roughly the same as the Securans.

Utrantu Commonwealth

A bunch of hu-men in the North. They have 1/6th our population, and a fraction of our GDP, but their 17k Military Power is enough to give us pause, and keep us from unleashing a second front. When the Southern foes are defeated, it will be their turn, and then the Western half of the Cluster will be secure. Then it will be time for the Eastern blocs.

Naxxilian Territory

A bunch of stupid dinosaurs to the East. Their territory looms large, with 20 colonies, but their population is a joke and their military is 1/4 the size of ours, and 1/5 of that of the Securans or the Zunama.

Gizurean Conformity

Our insectoid cousins in the Northeast. When all other races have fallen, it will be their turn to be added to the slag heap of history.

There are other races, in the East, at least another 3-4. However, there are at least 6 Empires competing for the amount of space that the Zunama, Hu-men, Securans, and we are competing for in the West. Let them wear themselves out against each other. We will be there.


x x x x x x x x x x

War has come to our little star cluster. And we have been ready for some time.

For over fifty years, we have been plagued by the Pirate menace, and have been attempting to throw them back in one form or another for all of that time.

Then, everything changed after our Frigates and Escorts went under the Spaceport's knife for a massive refit, following some research into blasters and torpedoes. Now, the pirates fall before the Third Fleet like wheat beneath a fusion blast. Destroying a large Spaceport used to take the combined power of the Third Fleet and the Sixth Fleet--and it would be a titanic struggle.

Now,the Third Fleet performed an orbit around our space, and has cleared the pirate menace from our borders, and has even, with the assistance of Fourth Fleet, cleared some from the Naxxilian's domain.

We weathered the brunt of the Legendary Pirates the Jasulon Horde, and broke their backs. One capital ship escaped, due to incompetents not keeping their Interdiction fields online! It still comes around to haunt us occasionally, but it's nothing that automated system defense forces cannot handle. The Horde is now the weakest of the bandit forces that confront us.

We are no longer the only Insect forces in the galaxy! The Gizurean Conformity has been spotted to the Northeast, and we have struck up a friendship with them.

To the South lie the Securans, our oldest enemies since discovering warp power. They, who harbor pirates within their borders--likely for no other reason than to let them make runs at our profits. They who held our brothers and sisters of the Rotal system under their grasp. They who were cast out of the Rotal system. They who are allied with the Zunama Sicut Conformity in the Southwest. Rotal is now the crown jewel of the South, boasting our second Homeworld-class Spaceport, identical in design to the one that sits above our Homemoon.

They are a powerful combination. Singly, we could take them one easily. Together, it is enough to give us pause. Especially with the......Hu-man Utrantu Commonwealth threatening our Northern flanks and the Naxillian Territory to the East--the Naxillians constantly saber rattling, and demanding we get our military out of their borders. The nerve of some beings.

And yet, there have been serious tactical errors. Despite the fact that they have declared war on us many times, the Securan/Zunama alliance made no push for our worlds. They threw small fleets at our mining outposts, struggling to break their shield tank.

The Zunama are the worst strategic offenders of all. Early on, when we were still struggling under the annoyance of pirate attack alert sounds on a bi-secondly basis, we discovered the system of Ncllun, which lay approximately halfway between our worlds, and that of the Securans. There lay approximately four Caslon worlds within that system, and we promptly claimed them all. The Zunama settled the habitable world within the system, but failed to clear out two of our Caslon mining centers.

Distant Worlds Universe

Additionally, the Zunama colonized the Ruhan system on our Western flank. Both the Ruhan and Ncllun systems were stepping stones across the vast, starless golf between the Sluken Conformity and the Blue-skins and their little dogs, too--but Ruhan was a system we could not ignore. We have claimed it for our own! And it is only the first conquest! Ncllun has been under blockade by Third Fleet for the last three years! Fourth Fleet, with Ruhan now secure with a Rarr Mk. 6 Defense Station in orbit, is moving to engage in raids into the Securan interior. Sixth Fleet is moving to relieve Third Fleet, and then both Third and Fourth Fleets will move from system to system, clearing out pirates, Securan, and Zunama outposts and starships alike. And, with infinite inevitability, Fifth Fleet will drop troops one system at a time, fresh from the Homeworld. A new Rarr will be put up, and Sixth Fleet will move on and Blockade the next world, until Sixth can return with more troops.

Now is the time, my brothers and sisters! To war! Let the Hive hum anew, and let us spear out into star cluster! First the Securans, then the Zunama to the South. Then the Hu-man in the North and the reptilian Naxillians to the East!

And then, when all else is finished, we will turn upon our cousins, the Gizureans, who allowed us to return to war with the Securan/Zunama alliance with our reputation as non-aggressors intact, will pay for trying to destroy us by staging a two-front war against both the Securan Alliance in the South and the Hu-mans in the North!

Fate smiles upon us! We have Four Million Credits in the treasury, a 100,000 credit surplus, and the capacity to fund our fleets six times over! Let us be about it!

The answer: Maybe...well...probably. Current best guess is apparently March 23.
http://codeforce.co.nz/overview.asp The gist of it and a smattering of videos and screenshots. Main points seem to be:
Truly Epic-Scale Galaxies: play in galaxies with up to 1400 star systems and 50,000 planets, moons and asteroids. Vast nebula clouds spiral out from the galactic core, shaping the distribution of star clusters in the galaxy
Private Enterprise: the private citizens of your empire automatically take care of mundane tasks like mining resources, transporting cargo, migration between colonies, tourism and much more. This frees you from micro-management and instead allows you to focus on a macro-scale
Intelligent Automation: automate the various tasks in your empire, so that you can focus on the areas that you enjoy most. Or have your advisors make suggestions in different areas like colonization, defense or diplomacy – helping you learn the best tactics and strategies
Explore: explore the vast galaxy, discovering valuable resources, potential colonies for your empire and making contact with other empires. Uncover secrets that lift the veil on the galaxy’s mysterious past...
Colonize: send out colony ships to found new worlds for your empire. Develop your new colonies by keeping them well-supplied with a steady stream of valuable resources
Defend: patrol the outlying areas of your empire to protect from raiding pirates or dangerous space monsters. Construct defensive bases at your colonies. Build up your fleets to defend against enemy empires. Recruit troops to invade enemy colonies and conquer the galaxy!
Diplomacy: interact with other empires, discussing treaties, making trade offers or just giving them a piece of your mind. Talk to pirate factions, tapping into their underground information, or paying them to do your dirty work for you...
Espionage: covertly seek out information about other empires, or even disrupt their progress with acts of sabotage
Research: develop new technologies for use in building your own unique ships and star bases
Build: design and build the ships and star bases in your empire. Construct mighty military ships at your space ports, or build mining stations, research installations or secret monitoring facilities at remote locations throughout the galaxy
Built-in Game Editor: fine-tune your own galaxy, adding or removing star systems, planets, asteroid fields, ships, star bases, space monsters or anything else. Modify the attributes of any empire in your game
Extensive Help: exhaustive, built-in, context-sensitive help is always only a single key-press away. Press F1 at any time for a detailed explanation of the current game screen, your currently selected item, etc
Tutorials: in-game tutorials familiarize you with all of the game elements and tools
Built-in Customization: modify all ship art, alien races, and much more. Switch between different customization sets with a couple of mouse clicks from the main game menu
Matrix games wound up being the publisher, and I think the aim is for them to offer both physical and digital download come release time for some unknown price, but not before as is apparently a quirk of theirs. Here be the listing page for it as I don't know, upon some glances, if this will eventually make it to the likes of Impulse, GG, Steam, and so forth:

Distant Worlds Universe Forum

All in all, it would appear to be a substantial game of a different stripe than the likes of AI War, SupCom2, the more distant upcoming Star Legacy, and so on.
My apologies if there was already an old thread back someplace.
Now available for about $40 digital download and about $10 more for a physical shipment.