
Handbook Of Porous Media Pdf Writer

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THE ROCK PHYSICS HANDBOOK TOOLS FOR SEISMIC ANALYSIS IN POROUS MEDIA Gary Mavko Tapan Mukerji Jack Dvorkin Stanford University Stanford University Stanford University CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CONTENTS Preface page ix PART 1: BASIC TOOLS 1 1.1 The Fourier Transform 1.

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Text Book


  • Narasimhan, A., (2012), “Essentials of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media,” Ane Books (Indian Edition) and CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, NY. [Book Details]

Invited Book Chapters

Porous Media Filters Catalogue

Handbook Of Porous Media Pdf Writer
  • Narasimhan, A., (2017), 'Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in the Eye,' pp. 1-35, in Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering, ed. F. A. Kulacki, Springer International Publishing. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32003-8_72-1 Abstract]
  • Narasimhan, A., (2013), 'The Scientific Legacy of Josef Stefan,' Chapter 11, pp. 200-220, in Jožef Stefan: His Scientific Legacy on the 175th Anniversary of His Birth, ed. John Crepeau, Bentham Press. [DOI: 10.2174/97816080547701130101 Product Link]
    [Sample Note 1 Note 2 Note 3]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Gopal, L., (2012), 'Modeling Retinal Laser Surgery in Human Eye,' Chapter 11, in Human Eye Imaging and Modeling (Eds. E. Y. K. Ng et al.), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, NY. [ product link ].
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2005), 'Variable Viscosity Forced Convection in Porous Medium Channels' in Handbook of Porous Media 2nd edition (Ed. K. Vafai), 5, 195-233, Taylor and Francis pub., NY.
  • Lage, J. L., Narasimhan, A., Porneala, D. C. and Price, D. C., (2004), 'Experimental Study of Forced Convection through Microporous Enhanced Heat Sinks' Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media, (Ed. D. B. Ingham et al.), Kluwer Acad. Pub., Netherlands, 28, 433-452.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2002), 'New Models for Predicting Temperature-Dependent Viscous Effects on Flow through Porous Media' in Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, (Eds. Z. Chen and R. Ewing), American Mathematical Society Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) Book Series, 397-408.
  • Lage, J. L. and Narasimhan, A., (2000), 'Porous Media Enhanced Forced Convection: Fundamentals and Applications' in Handbook of Porous Media, (Ed. K. Vafai), 8, 357-394, Marcel Dekker pub., NY.

Peer-reviewed International Journal Articles

  • Dhayananth, K. and Narasimhan, A., (2018) 'Evaluation of hemodynamic performance of total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) with porous inserts,' Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 34(4) :e2937. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.2937 Abstract ]
  • Paul, A., Narasimhan, A., Das, S. K., Sengupta, S. and Pradeep, T. (2016) 'Subsurface thermal behaviour of tissue mimics embedded with large blood vessels during plasmonic photo-thermal therapy,' Int J Hyperthermia, 32:7, 765-777 [ DOI: 10.1080/02656736.2016.1196831 Abstract ].
  • Paul, A., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., (2016) 'Investigation of thermal damage of tissue mimics embedded with large blood vessels during PPTT' Int. J. Num. Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow [ DOI: 10.1108/HFF-01-2015-0032 Abstract ]
  • Dhar, P., Paul, A., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., (2016) 'Analytical prediction of sub surface thermal history in translucent tissue phantoms during plasmonic photo thermotherapy' J. Thermal Biology 62, 143-149 [ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.06.023 Sciencedirect Abstract arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.04549]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Sundarraj, C., (2015) 'Convection-Enhanced Intravitreous Drug Delivery in Human Eye' ASME J. of Heat Transfer 137(12), 121003 (Aug 11, 2015) (7 pages)
    [DOI: 10.1115/1.4030916 Abstract ]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Joseph, A., (2015) 'Porous Medium Modeling of Combined Effects of Cell Migration and Anisotropicity of Stratum Corneum on Transdermal Drug Delivery' ASME J. of Heat Transfer 137(12), 121007 (Aug 11, 2015) (8 pages) Paper No: HT-14-1277 [ DOI: 10.1115/1.4030923 Abstract ]
  • Narasimhan, A., Raju, S. K., and Chakravarthy, S. R., (2014), 'Experimental and Numerical Determination of Interface Slip Coefficient of Fluid Stream Exiting a Partially Filled Porous Medium Channel' ASME J. Fluids. Eng. 136(4), 041201 (Feb 28, 2014) (9 pages) [DOI: 10.1115/1.4026194 Abstract ]
  • Paul, A., Bandaru, N., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., (2014), 'Subsurface Tumor Ablation with Near-infrared Radiation using Intratumoral and Intravenous Injection of Nanoparticles' Int. J. of Micro-Nano Scale Transport 5(2), 69-80 [ DOI: 10.1260/1759-3093.5.2.69 Abstract ]
  • Paul, A., Narasimhan, A., Kahlen, F. J., and Das, S. K., (2014), 'Temperature evolution in tissues embedded with large blood vessels during photo-thermal heating,' J. Thermal Biology, 41, 77-87. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2014.02.010 Abstract]
  • Nilamani, S., Ghosh, S., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., (2013), 'Investigation of non-Fourier effects in bio-tissues during laser assisted photothermal therapy,' Int. J. Thermal Sci., 76, 208-220. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2013.08.014 Abstract]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Sridhar, S., (2013), 'Non-Fourier bio heat transfer modelling of thermal damage during retinal laser irradiation,' Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 60, 591-597. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.01.010 Abstract]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Sundarraj, C., (2013), 'Effect of choroidal blood perfusion and natural convection in vitreous humor during transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT),' Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng., 29 (4), 530–541. [DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2538 Abstract Summary]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Ramanathan, V. G., (2012), 'Effect of choroidal blood flow on transscleral retinal drug delivery using a porous medium model,' Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (21), 5665–5672.[DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.05.060].
  • Ramana, P. V., Narasimhan, A. and Chatterjee, D., (2012), 'Thermo-Hydraulics of Tube Banks with Porous Interconnectors using Water as Cooling Fluid,' Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 3 (2), 023007. [DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v3.2.3007 Abstract PDF Download ]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Jha, K. K., (2012), 'Bio-Heat Transfer Simulation of Retinal Laser Irradiation,' Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng., 28(5), 547–559. [DOI: 10.1002/cnm.1489 Summary write-up]
  • Narasimhan, A., Reddy, B. V. K. and Dutta, P. (2011), 'Thermal Management using the Bi-disperse Porous Medium Approach,' Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(4), 538–546. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2011.11.006]
  • Narasimhan, A., (2011), 'The Role of Porous Medium Modeling in Biothermofluids,' J. Indian Institute of Science, 91 (3), 243-266. [Invited review Abstract Summary]
  • Gundiah, N., Narasimhan, A. and Dutta, P., (2011) “Macromolecular Transport Through Porous Arterial Walls,” J. Indian Institute of Science, 91 (3), 267-282. [ Abstract article pdf]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Jha, K. K., (2011), 'Bio-Heat Transfer Simulation of Square and Circular Array of Retinal Laser Irradiation,' Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2, 033005 [DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5098/hmt.v2.3.3005 Abstract PDF Download Summary write-up]
  • Jha, K. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2011), 'Three-Dimensional Bio-Heat Transfer Simulation of Sequential and Simultaneous Retinal Laser Irradiation,' Int. J. Thermal Sci., 50(7), 1191-1198. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2011.02.005 Summary write-up]
  • Ramanathan, V., Narasimhan, A. and Babu, V., (2011), High Rayleigh Number Natural Convection Inside 2D Porous Enclosures Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 133 (6), 062501 (9 pages), [DOI:10.1115/1.4003534]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Reddy, B. V. K., (2011), “Resonance of Natural Convection inside a Bi-disperse Porous Medium Enclosure”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 133 (4), 042601 (9 pages). [DOI: 10.1115/1.4001316]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Reddy, B. V. K., (2011), Laminar Forced Convection in a Heat Generating Bi-Disperse Porous Medium Channel, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (1-3), 636-644. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2010.08.022]
  • Babu, V. and Narasimhan, A., (2010), Investigation of vortex shedding behind a porous square cylinder using lattice Boltzmann method, Phys. Fluids 22, 053605 (8 pages). [DOI:10.1063/1.3407667 Abstract]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Jha, K. K., (2010), “Transient Simulation of Multi-spot Retinal Laser Irradiation using Bio-Heat Transfer Model”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 57(7), 520-536. [DOI:10.1080/10407781003684514]
  • Reddy, B. V. K. and Arunn Narasimhan, A., (2010), “Heat Generation Effects in Natural Convection inside a Porous Annulus”, Int. Comm. Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(6), 607-610. [DOI:10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2009.12.018]
  • Sherifull-Din Jamalud-Din, Rees, D. A. S., Reddy, B. V. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2010), “Prediction of Natural Convection Flow Using Network Model and Numerical Simulations inside Enclosure with Distributed Solid Blocks”, Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(3), 333-343. [DOI 10.1007/s00231-009-0567-9]
  • Natesan, S., Sundararajan, T., Narasimhan, A. and Velusamy, K., (2010), “Turbulent Flow Simulation in a Wire-wrap Rod Bundle of an LMFBR”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(5), 1063-1072. [DOI 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2009.12.025]
  • Ramana, P. V., Narasimhan, A. and Chatterjee, D., (2010), “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Tube-to-tube Porous Medium Inter-connectors on the Thermo-hydraulics of Confined Tube Banks”, Heat Transfer Engg., 31, 1-9. [DOI 10.1080/01457630903412161 ]
  • Narasimhan, A., Jha, K. K. and Gopal, L., (2010), “Transient Simulations of Heat Transfer in Human Eye undergoing Laser Surgery”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (1), 482-490. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.09.007 Summary write-up].
  • Narasimhan, A. and Reddy, B. V. K., (2010), “Natural Convection inside a Bi-disperse Porous Medium Enclosure”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 132, 012502, (9 pages). [DOI:10.1115/1.3192134]
  • Reddy, B. V. K., Ramana, P. V. and Narasimhan, A., (2008), “Steady and Transient Thermo-hydraulic Performance of Disc with Tree-shaped Micro-channel Networks with and without Radial Inclination”, Int. J. Thermal Sci. 47 (11), 1482-1489. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2007.11.003]
  • Narasimhan, A., (2008), “Why do Elephants have Big Ear Flaps?”, Resonance, Journal of Science Education, 13(7), 638 – 647. [DOI 10.1007/s12045-008-0070-5] [pdf file of the article from the journal site]
  • Nagose, A., Somani A., Shrot, A. and Narasimhan, A., (2008), “Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization of PCM Based Heat Sinks and Effect of Heat Sink Parameters on Operational Time”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 130, 011401, (8 pages). [DOI 10.1115/1.2780182]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Raju, S. K., (2007), “Effect of Variable Permeability Porous Medium Inter-connectors on the Thermo-hydraulics of Heat Exchanger Modelled as Porous Media”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 4052-4062. [DOI 10.1016/S0096-3003(02)00635-5]
  • Raju, S. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2007), “Porous Medium Inter-connector Effects on the Thermo-Hydraulics of Near-Compact Heat Exchangers treated as Porous Media”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 129, 273-281. [DOI 10.1115/1.2427074]
  • Narasimhan, A and Karra, S., (2006), “An Inverse Heat Transfer Method to Provide Near-Isothermal Surface for Disc Heaters used in Microlithography”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 4624 – 4632. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.04.019]
  • Bhave, P., Narasimhan, A. and Rees, D. A. S., (2006), “Natural Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement using Adiabatic Block: Optimal Block Size and Prandtl Number Effect” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 3807 – 3818. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.04.017]
  • Wilson, L., Narasimhan, A. and Venkateshan, S. P., (2006), “Permeability and Form Coefficient Measurement of Porous Inserts with Non-Darcy Model using Non-Plug Flow Experiments”, ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 128, 638 – 642. [DOI 10.1115/1.2175172]
  • Lage, J. L., Krueger, P. S. and Narasimhan, A., (2005), “Protocol for Measuring Permeability and Form Coefficient of Porous Media”, Phy. Fluids, 17, Paper No. 088101, (4 pages). [DOI link/?PHFLE6/17/088101/1]
  • Akhilesh, R., Narasimhan, A. and Balaji, C., (2005), “Method to Improve Geometry for Heat Transfer Enhancement in PCM Composite Heat Sinks” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 48, 2759-2770. [DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2005.01.032 Summary write-up]
  • Narasimhan, A., (2005), “Thermal Analysis of a Silicon Wafer Processing Combination Bake-Chill Station used in Microlithography”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 20, 1-14. [DOI 10.1081/AMP-200042048]
  • Wilson, L., Narasimhan, A. and Venkateshan, S. P., (2004), “Turbulent Flow Hydrodynamic Experiments in Near-Compact Heat Exchanger Models with Aligned Tubes”, ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 126, 990-996. [DOI 10.1115/1.1845553 Summary write-up ]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2004), “Pump Power Gain for Heated Porous Medium Channel Flows”, ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 126, 494-497. [DOI 10.1115/1.1760546]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2004), “Predicting Inlet Temperature Effects on the Pressure-drop of Heated Porous Medium Channel Flows Using the M-HDD Model”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 126, 301-303. [DOI 10.1115/1.1667526]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Ramanan, N., (2004), “Simulation Studies and Experimental Verification of the Performance of a Combination Bake-Chill Station”, J. Microlithography, Microfabrication and Microsystems, 3(2), 1537-1646. [DOI 10.1117/1.1668269]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2003), “Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Effects on the Thermo-hydraulics of Heated Porous Medium Channel Flows”, J. Porous Media, 6, 149-158. [DOI 10.1615/JPorMedia.v6.i3.10 Summary]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2002), “Inlet Temperature Influence on the Departure from Darcy Flow by Fluids with Variable Viscosity”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 2419-2422. [DOI 10.1016/S0017-9310(01)00324-6]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2001), “Forced Convection of a Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity through a Porous Medium Channel”, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A, 40(8), 801-820. [DOI 10.1080/104077801753344277]
  • Narasimhan, A., Lage, J. L., Nield, D. A. and Porneala, D. C., (2001), “Experimental Verification of Two New Theories for Predicting the Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Effects on the Forced Convection through a Porous Media Channel”, ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 123, 948-951. [DOI 10.1115/1.1413245]
  • Narasimhan, A., Lage, J. L., and Nield, D. A., (2001), “New Theory for Forced Convection through Porous Media by Fluids with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 123, 1045-1051. [DOI 10.1115/1.1409268]
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2001), “Modified Hazen-Dupuit-Darcy Model for Forced Convection of a Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 123, 31-38. [DOI 10.1115/1.1332778 ]
  • Narasimhan, A., (2000), “Convective Carnot Engine: An Easy Approach to Understanding Convection”, Physics Education, 35(3), 178-181. [DOI 10.1088/0031-9120/35/3/307 ]
  • Narasimhan, A., (1999), “Rayleigh-Benard Convection: Physics of a Widespread Phenomenon” Resonance: Journal of Science Education, 4(6), 82-90. [DOI 10.1007/BF02834639]

Peer-reviewed International Conference Papers

  • Krishnamoorthi, G., and Narasimhan, A., (2018) “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Suitable Hydraulic Model for Accelerated Flow through Porous Media in the Form-drag Dominant Flow Regime,” Proc. of 45th National and 7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP-2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Dec 10-12.
  • Dhayananth, K., and Narasimhan, A., (2018) “Effect of Porous Media on Hemodynamic Performance of the Fontan Connection,” 5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems , IISc Bangalore, India. [selected for the Best Paper Award]
  • Joseph, A. and Narasimhan, A., (2018) “Porous Medium Modelling of Gestational Age Dependent Fetal Drug Exposure,” 5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems , IISc Bangalore, India.
  • Krishnamoorthi, G., and Narasimhan, A., (2015) “Hydraulic model for accelerated flow through a porous medium channel,” Proc. of 23rd National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference , ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, India, Dec 17-20.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Joseph, A., (2015) “Microscale distribution of drug heads: a novel design for transdermal patches,” 4th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Cachan(Paris), France.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Dhayananth, K., (2015) “A numerical study of total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) using porous inserts,” 4th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Cachan (Paris), France.
  • Anup P., Bhandaru, N. K., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., “Tumor Ablation with Near-Infrared Radiation using Localized Injection of Nanoparticles,” Proc. of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014. DOI: 10.1615/IHTC15.bma.009715 ]
  • Sundarraj C and Narasimhan, A., (2014) “Numerical Modeling of Drug Delivery to Posterior Segment of Eye”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, Lake Bled, Slovenia, June 2-4.
  • Anup P., Narasimhan, A., and Das, S. K., (2014) “Study of thermal damage of tissue embedded with blood vessels during photo thermal heating”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, Lake Bled, Slovenia, June 2-4.
  • Sundarraj C and Narasimhan, A., (2013) “Convection Enhanced Intravitreous Drug Delivery,” Proceedings of 22nd National – 11th ISHMT ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Kharaghpur, December 28-31.
  • Anup P., Narasimhan, A. and Das, S. K., (2013) “Steady-temperature Distribution of Tissue Embedded with Large Blood Vessels during Photo Thermal Therapy,” Proceedings of 22nd National – 11th ISHMT ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Kharaghpur, December 28-31.
  • Sundarraj, C., Jha, K. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2011), 'Natural Convection in Vitreous humor of Human Eye during Transpupillary Thermotherapy(TTT),' Proc. 21st ISHMT / 10th ASME Conference, IIT Madras, Chennai, Dec 27-30.
  • Sridar, S., Jha, K. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2011), 'Non-Fourier Bio Heat Transfer Modeling of Retinal Laser Surgery', Proc. 21st ISHMT / 10th ASME Conference, IIT Madras, Chennai, Dec 27-30.
  • Ramana, P. V., Narasimhan, A., and Chatterjee, D., (2011), 'Experimental Study of Forced Convectin in Porous Medium Enhanced Tube Banks using Humid Air as Coolant', Proc. 21st ISHMT / 10th ASME Conference, IIT Madras, Chennai, Dec 27-30.
  • Jha, K. K., Sundarraj, C. and Narasimhan, A., (2011), 'Natural Convection in Vitreous humor during Transpupillary Thermotherapy(TTT),' Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, Dalian, China, Sep 5-7.
  • Jha, K. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2010), 'Bio-heat Transfer Model of Human Eye Subjected to Retinal Laser Irradiation', Proc. 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Washington D.C., Aug 8-13.
  • Jha, K. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2010), 'Numerical Simulations Of Heat Transport In Human Eye Undergoing Laser Surgery', Proc. 20th ISHMT / 9th ASME 2008 Conference, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Jan 4-6.
  • Reddy, B. V. K. and Narasimhan, A., (2010), 'Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection inside Bi-disperse Porous Medium', Proc. 20th ISHMT / 9th ASME 2008 Conference, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Jan 4-6.
  • Reddy, B. V. K., Narasimhan, A., Venkateshan, S. P. and Nayak, A. K., (2008), 'Natural Convection inside Heat Generating Porous Square and Annular Enclosure: Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Effects', Proc. 19th ISHMT / 8th ASME 2008 Conference, JNTU Hyderabad, India, Jan 4-6.
  • Ramana, P. V., Narasimhan, A. and Chatterjee, D., (2008), 'Experimental Studies on the Thermo-Hydraulics of In-line Tube Bank with/without Tube-to-Tube Porous Medium Inter-connectors', Proc. 19th ISHMT / 8th ASME 2008 Conference, JNTU Hyderabad, India, Jan 4-6.
  • Raju, S. K., Mahesh, M., Narasimhan, A. and Chakravarthy, S., (2008), 'Experimental and Analytical Hydro-dynamic Studies in Converging Passages Filled with Porous Media', Proc. 19th ISHMT / 8th ASME 2008 Conference, JNTU Hyderabad, India, Jan 4-6.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Sahu, K. D., (2006), 'Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Near-Compact Heat Exchanger using Porous Medium Fins', Proc. 18th ISHMT / 7th ASME 2006 Conference, IIT-Guwahati, India, Jan 4-6.
  • Raju, S. K., Wilson, L., Narasimhan, A. and Venkateshan, S. P., (2006), 'Thermo-Hydraulics of Near Compact Heat Exchanger Models: Effect of Wall Clearance with Turbulent Flow Experiments', Proc. 18th ISHMT / 7th ASME 2004 Conference, IIT-Guwahati, India, Jan 4-6.
  • Wilson, L., Narasimhan, A. and Venkateshan, S. P., (2004), 'Effect of Inlet Velocity Profile on the Permeability and Form Coefficient of Porous Medium Ducts', Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Applications of Porous Media, Evora, Portugal, May 24-27.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2004), 'Effect of Variable Viscosity on the Pump Power Gain of Non-isothermal Micro-porous Enhanced Cold Plates', Proc. 17th ISHMT / 6th ASME 2004 Conference, Kalpakkam, TN, India, Jan 5-7.
  • Lage, J. L., Narasimhan, A., Porneala, D. C. and Price, D. C., (2003), 'Convection Experiments with Microporous Aluminum-foam Enhanced Heat Sinks for Cooling Airborne Microwave Phased-array Radar Antennas', Proc. NATO Science Advanced Study Institute, Neptun-limp, Black Sea, Romania, June 9 – 20.
  • Narasimhan, A., Ramanan, N. and Williams, D., (2003), 'Performance Evaluation and Analysis of a Novel 300-mm Combination Bake-Chill Station', Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XX, Proc. 2003 SPIE, 5039, Santa Clara, CA.
  • Narasimhan, A. and Lage, J. L., (2002), 'Modeling Thermo-Hydraulic Effects of Variable Viscosity in Nonisothermal Porous Medium Cold Plates', Proc. Int. Conf. on Applications of Porous Media, Jerba, Tunisia.
  • Nield, D. A., Narasimhan, A., Lage, J. L. and Porneala, D. C., (2001), 'Validation of a New Theory for Predicting the Thermo-Hydraulic Effects of Fluids with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Flowing through Porous Media', Proc. 2001 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  • Narasimhan, A., Lage, J. L. and Porneala, D. C., (2001), 'New Microporous Cold Plate Design for Cooling Avionics: Modeling Effects of Temperature-Dependent Viscosity', Proc. 2001 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  • Narasimhan, A., Lage, J. L., and Nield, D. A., (2000), 'Forced Convection of Fluids with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity through Porous Media', Proc. 2000 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, [nominated for Conference Best Paper Award].
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