
Theta Healing Technique Pdf Writer

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ThetaHealing (Theta Healing) is a process of meditation[1][2] that was developed in 1995 by Vianna Stibal and teaches people to develop natural intuition through changing their brain wave cycle to the more relaxed theta waves for the intention of exploring how emotional energy affects a persons health.[3][4]

Freedom Technique (EFT) – which simplified the process and made it easily. Opening the door to a sun-filled future-www.theta-dna-healing.net 2.


ThetaHealing is usually administered in the form of individual sessions in which the practitioner certified in the technique sits directly opposite the person, and initially attends to the person by listening, using intuitive senses such as empathy and probing questions. They may conduct a session long-distance through telephone or over the internet via webcam and voice.[5][6] The ThetaHealing technique is based on the theory that the beliefs in a person's conscious and unconscious mind directly impact their emotional well-being, which may impact their physical health. The practitioner uses a method of meditation which tunes into a persons energy with the aim to improve their general well-being and health by freeing, as Vianna Stibal states, negative experiences, blocking thought patterns or genetically inherited patterns to create positive emotional wellbeing.[7][8][2][2][9] The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.


A distinction is made between different consecutive ThetaHealing training levels, from the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper practitioners, which provides the foundation to use the technique as a practitioner,[10][11] to other courses such as Intuitive Anatomy, World Relations and Growing your Relationships 1-4. Instructors of the ThetaHealing technique can choose to complete the Masters[12] and Certificate of Science.[13]


ThetaHealing's philosophy is what Vianna Stibal calls 'the seven planes of existence'. According to her, these levels of existence build a framework to show the importance of the 'Creator of all that is” (whose upper level is also described as the 'Place of perfect love'). In addition, practitioners and instructors of the technique are open to everyone, regardless of the person's origin or religion.[14]


The creator of the method, Vianna Stibal, has been found unanimously guilty of fraud by an Idaho court and was sentenced to pay $100,000 in punitive damages.[15]

The philosophy of ThetaHealing has been criticized due to its esoteric and faith-based nature as well as an overwhelming lack of evidence of the effectiveness of the methods.[16] The ThetaHealing method has also been questioned by some practitioners of alternative medicine, as it is not one of their health care practices or related to any of the clinical methods of health treatment.[17]


  1. ^Stibal, Vianna (2016-01-26). Seven Planes of Existence: The Philosophy Behind the ThetaHealing® Technique. Hay House, Inc. ISBN9781781805763.
  2. ^ abcKnight, Lorraine (2011-09-28). Weight Reduction & Much More!: With Theta Healing. Xlibris Corporation. ISBN9781465359452.
  3. ^Do-it-yourself healing, Samantha Dobson, Gulf News, 1 October 2010, accessed on 3 June 2018
  4. ^Heard about Theta healing?, Daily News and Analysis, 15 December 2010, accessed on 3 June 2018
  5. ^Tanz-Yoga und Soja-Keks – macht das glücklich?, German, Carola Ferstl, Die Welt, 27 March 2013, accessed on 5 June 2018
  6. ^Does it work: Energy healing, Louisa Wilkins, Gulf News, August 2, 2012, accessed 3 June 2018
  7. ^The art of healing through thinking and gongs, BusinessWorld Online, 1 September 2017, accessed on 5 June.2018
  8. ^Theta healing: Latest in alternative therapy clan, Times of India, 1 August 2009, viewed on 3 June 2018
  9. ^Mystik zwischen Humbug und Lebenshilfe, German, Susanne Jelinek, News, 12 December 2014, viewed on 3 June 2018
  10. ^'Ground Floor: Cedar Rapids entrepreneur restarts her healing business', Deborah Neyens, The Gazette, 28 August 2017, accessed on June 26, 2018
  11. ^ThetaHealing Seminarkatalog, German, accessed on June 26, 2018
  12. ^'Masters requirements on ThetaHealing.com'.
  13. ^'Science requirements on ThetaHealing.com'.
  14. ^One with the above, Anuj Kumar, The Hindu, 26 November 2010, accessed on 2 June 2018
  15. ^[1] accessed on 20 march 2019
  16. ^The Mind Body Soul Experience: a celebration of good posture, human credulousness and the placebo effect, Tim Dowling, The Guardian, accessed on 5 June.2018
  17. ^The faith healers who claim they can cure , BBC News, 22 June 2011, accessed on 5 June.2018
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ThetaHealing&oldid=908065731'
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Advanced Theta Healing

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In her first book Vianna Stibal, the creator of ThetaHealing, introduced this amazing healing technique to the world. Based on thousands of sessions with clients who experienced remarkable healings with Vianna, this comprehensive follow-up is an in-depth exploration of the work and processes central to ThetaHealing, giving the reader a detailed guide to the Feeling, Belief, and Digging Work, as well as further information on the 7 Planes of Existence that allow us to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is.

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Mother Earth is ascending. 'Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Towards and After Ascension 2012: The Highest Truth' explains that Earth can no longer exist in such negative energies. Her body is crumbling, and her spirit is broken. Yet there is hope as she moves into a new age; we are awakening to the truth of the universe that it is built on love alone. We now have a new chance to build a future free of war, religion, and the illusion of separation from God. The Great Cosmic Council brings forth the highest truth of the universe through the channelling of author Victoria Cochrane in a bid to expel the fallacies that we have come to believe. They tell the truth about creation, our oneness with Creator and the All, and of how our life here on Earth is the way our souls learn the lessons we have chosen to learn for our spiritual evolvement.

Digging For Beliefs

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Learn how to access the deepest layers of your subconscious thinking to identify and correct limiting beliefs and enable life-changing physical and emotional healing. ThetaHealing® is a revolutionary healing modality, devised by Vianna Stibal, that taps into the brain's Theta waves to enable deep emotional and physical healing by changing our limiting beliefs. Yet often, we are afraid of digging to the deepest layers of our subconscious thinking, and instead gloss over them with new positive affirmations, or downloads; but they do not replace the deeply transformative work of exploring, understanding and correcting beliefs that were instilled in this life and past lives. This is the principle of digging for beliefs. In this essential book for any student of ThetaHealing, you'll learn: · the five vital steps of digging for beliefs · how to identify core beliefs and the 10 different approaches to change them · when it's appropriate to erase a belief, and when to use it as a springboard for positive change · common mistakes made in digging work and how to avoid them in your own practice With examples from Vianna's workshops, you'll soon be equipped with the right tools to dig for beliefs and enable deep, life-changing healing for yourself and others.

Finding Your Soul Mate With Thetahealing

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Many of us are born into this world with the feeling and knowing of what being loved by another person should feel and be like, but we lack the feeling and knowing of how to fulfill this desire in the highest and best way. The desire for a soul mate is the ancient need to become the divine couple whose union breathes new life into the world. Seen from this context, finding your soul mate has deeper ramifications than a purely romantic desire; the union of a soul mate is about the creation of an energy that is a candle to bring illumination to the world. The content of this book is designed for spiritually romantic people who have not lost the faith that there is someone out there that has a divine understanding of us, and that two people are brought together for a divine plan that will contribute towards a higher purpose. Based on Vianna Stibal's own experi­ence of finding her soul mate, this book will reaffirm your belief in true love and will explain how, using ThetaHealing®, you can bring your soul mate into your life.

Seven Planes Of Existence

Author :Vianna Stibal
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First developed in 1995 by Vianna Stibal, ThetaHealing uses a Theta brainwave, which was previously believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, to connect with the energy of All That Is - the creative energy in everything - to witness healings and change limiting beliefs. For those who have already started to experience the magic of this energy-healing modality, this book outlines the philosophy behind it - the Seven Planes of Existence. Vianna presents an exciting new conceptual framework for understanding how and why creation works on the physical and spiritual levels, and how this relates to us on all levels of our being. Taking us into dimensions that she believes to be the beginnings of life itself, she shows us how to perceive these cosmic forces in all their majesty and use their particular energies for healing and spiritual development. This is the first time in the history of humanity that the planes of existence have been opened up simultaneously so that they can be understood and utilized as never before. Deepen your understanding of ThetaHealing by learning more about the extraordinary belief systems, powers and healing properties of: - the plane of the Creator of All That Is, the energy that flows through all things to create life - the plane of the Laws that form the fabric of the universe - the plane of divine and semi-divine beings - the plane of the realm of spirit - the plane of the physical world we live in - the plane of vitamins, plants, trees and elemental beings - the plane of minerals, crystals, soil and rocks - all the elements that make up the Earth in its raw form.

Theta Healing

Author :Vianna Stibal
PdfISBN :1848502435
Genre :Mind and body therapies
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In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with a serious health condition. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed, until she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader. Amazed that she had cured herself instantaneously, Vianna started to use this technique in her sessions with clients and saw person after person miraculously heal. ThetaHealing is essentially applied quantum physics. Using a theta brain wave, which until now was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able to connect with the energy of All That Is - the energy in everything - to identify issues with and witness healings on the physical body, and to identify and change limiting beliefs. Discover:. the belief and feeling work that can instantly change the thinking within you that creates illness . the 7 Planes of Existence, a concept that allows you to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is. how to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, using the Creator of All That Is.

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Drawing from his thirty years’ experience in self-development and meditation practice—to include advanced training in mind technology and spiritual philosophy—the author, Raymond Phelan, reveals the most practical, cutting-edge understanding and meditation techniques necessary for bringing about full creative mental capacity. The book quickly establishes how you’ve arrived at your present state, then reveals the secrets of deconditioning these inherited mind-sets that are holding you back in life. Transforming Your Life brings you face-to-face with vital questions that will establish exactly where your present mind state is rooted, how it was formed, and vitally, how this state is either serving or nonserving. You will clearly identify which mind programs are personal choices and which were choiceless through subconscious conditioning. Learn how to ? alter or erase undesired subconscious conditioning, ? become free of addiction and panic attacks, ? attune the brain with theta healing brain speed, ? achieve “total belief” as an everyday state, ? transform the mind to the pulse of life—to bliss consciousness, ? reuse past happy memories for even greater benefit, ? come upon divinely inspired ideas effortlessly, ? stay youthful at any age, ? attune the brain with the pulse of nature, and ? relate to Scripture practically in today’s world.

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